Online CCC Test in English | CCC Online Taiyari

Online CCC Test in English - Student! Taiyari24Hour provide CCC Online Test in English Paper. you can free online practice paper and check your performance. In this paper, contain 100 questions and you will have 90 minutes to finished your test.

Online CCC Test in English | CCC Online Taiyari

Good luck for your exam, I want you to perform well and score good marks in your exam.

Exam Instructions -
  1. The examination contain 100 objective type questions.
  2. There will be 100 questions and time alloted 90 minutes.
  3. There is no negative marking.
  4. 50% marks are the minimum marks required for qualify CCC Exam successfully .
  5. The Question Palette displayed on the right side of screen will show the status of each question using one of the following color:

You have answerd the question.

You have not answerd the question.