Question :

Libreoffice Writer is an open source system software.

A) True
B) False

Answer : B

Description :

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What is the shortcut key for print preview in Libreoffice Writer ?

A) Ctrl + Shift + O
B) Ctrl + Shift + P
C) Ctrl + P
D) Ctrl + O

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In which menu is the slide sorter found in Libreoffice Impress ?

A) View
B) Insert
C) Slide show
D) Format

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The file extension of Libreoffice Impress is _____________?

A) .ppt / .pptx
B) .odt
C) .odp
D) .ods

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Can Libreoffice only open and save files in open document format ?

A) True
B) False

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How many menus does Libreoffice Writer have ?

A) 7
B) 8
C) 10
D) 11

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