Airforce Y Group Mock Test in Hindi
Question - 1
Directions (1-5) : Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it.
Smartphones are very common today. But over use of the gadget causes eye problems like aching eyes, blurred vision, dry eyes from inadequate blinking, and headache from prolonged use.
If the user is already wearing spectacles or contact lenses, the problems tend to be worse since the eyes have to compensate for the optical aids apart from the strain. All this is due to the fact that most users tend to bring the phone close to the eye.
Texting and browsing the web on smartphones is the accepted norm and those who have multiple messages need to be on the phone for a prolonged period of time thus straining the eye still further.
Another hassle is using a smartphone while travelling. The jolts and shakes of travel-whether by car, bus or train-also increase the stress.
Question-1 : Over-use of smartphones affects, apart from eyes,-