Air force Y Group Practice Set in Hindi
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Question - 1

Directions (1-5): Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it in the context of the passage.


Those of us who already possess knives and use them as a matter of course at our meals can hardly understand the longing of an infant to be given the freedom of so perilous as instrument. Man has been defined as a tool-using animal, and there is no another tool that appeals to the imagination so strongly as a knife. It is through long months and years a forbidden thing, and all the more fascinating on that count. There is no glory in using a spoon. There is no honour in holding a fork in the right hand and in taking up on it little squares of meat that have been cut with a knife by some more privileged hand. Fork and spoon and little more than an extension of the fingers, and a spoon, at least, is so safe that it can be left in the hands of an infant in the cradle. But a knife is a danger against which constant warning is necessary something out of reach and waiting as a prize at the end of a long avenue of years.


Question: The ‘privileged hand' in this passage refers to-

Total Question (50)